How It Works

For Investors

1. Browse litigation offerings

All lawsuits will be posted to the marketplace page for financing. Investments can be done on a one off basis or via our index fund.

2. Invest one-off or in rolling funds

Rolling funds allow you to subscribe to Leginar's index of offerings. One-off investments allow you to invest in select cases.

3. Earn, re-invest, and receive updates

Once a lawsuit concludes, you will be able to liquidate your stake in the suit. You will also have the option to sell secondaries (coming soon).

For Litigants

1. Submit your disputes

Submit information in a simple form to get a quick consultation with a member of our team and submit your documents to our platform.

2. Wait for our decision

We'll review your information and use it to underwrite our case. Once approved, you will be able receive financing for your lawsuit on Leginar.

3. Accept investment From Leginar

Watch as your financing rolls in, and withdraw funds from your Leginar account to power your litigation needs.